Men’s Guide to Dandruff, Hair Loss, and Breakage

Here are some of the most common hair issues men have to deal with, and some small things you can do to tackle them, head-on.
Some Causes
Dry scalp
Overgrowth of yeast-like fungus, Malassezia globosa
Seborrheic dermatitis
The Fix
Shampoos containing ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, or zinc pyrithione can help control dandruff. These types of medicated shampoos are usually available in pharmacies, but getting a prescription for them is never a bad thing.
Regular shampooing can also help remove accumulated oils and skin cells, giving you healthier and fresher smelling hair.
If you find that most shampoos are too strong for your hair, then tea tree oil has shown promise in treating dandruff thanks to its antifungal properties. It’s a lot gentler on the scalp, but less soapy, so you still have to deal with oil and gunk build-up.
In severe cases, a topical corticosteroid may be prescribed to you. It’s always best to consult a medical professional sooner than later, but if you start to see redness, swelling, inflammation, and itchy patches that sometimes reach your face, then a doctor’s appointment is in order.
Hair Loss
Some Causes
- Genetic factors
- Stress
- Hormonal changes
- Medications
The Fix
Hair loss is fairly common among men, especially as we get older. If it runs in the family, then you should expect yours any time soon. However, people who have very unhealthy lifestyles will experience it sooner. If keeping your hair is a priority, a balanced diet, exercise, and engaging in stress-free hobbies, are great recipes for preserving your hair. Additionally, vices like smoking and drinking should be avoided or minimized.
Medication is also an option, but since hair loss is different from person-to-person, you’re gonna need the doctor’s word on this before engaging on any tablet.
Minoxidil is the most common tablet for androgenetic alopecia. It’s an FDA-approved topical treatment for hair loss, for both men and women. Finasteride, on the other hand, is a lot more geared towards male pattern baldness.
Hair Breakage
Some Causes
- Excessive heat styling
- Chemical treatments
- Over-brushing
- Nutritional deficiencies
The Fix
Much like hair loss, a weak body can also lead to weak hair. Your lifestyle choices greatly affect your overall wellbeing, and the look and feel of your hair. A balanced healthy diet is a great start to repairing your locks and bringing your mane back to its former glory.
For additional hair care, protein treatments can help to repair and strengthen the hair shaft. It helps fill in the gaps in the cuticle, making your hair stronger. It even helps with frizz.
If your hair is prone to breaking, then you might want to be gentler with it. This means avoiding hair dye, and straightening treatments. Heat also plays a factor in damage. Avoid using your air dryer, or use it at a lower setting. Also minimize outdoor activities during scorching afternoons and summers. Use wide-toothed combs and don’t pull or tug on wet hair, as it is more susceptible to breaking.
In summary, your hair is a reflection of your health and style, so treat it right. Dandruff, hair loss, and hair breakage are common issues that plague many individuals, but they're not insurmountable. A combination of medical treatments and lifestyle adjustments can go a long way in resolving these problems. Toss the sketchy DIY fixes and consult healthcare professionals for accurate diagnosis and solutions that actually work.